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ASREN Launches the International Network for Research and Education in Jordan

ASREN Launches the International Network for Research and Education in Jordan

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

Amman, 19th November, 2014,  as part of its ongoing efforts of the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN), an agreement on the international connection of the national research and education (R&E) communication network was concluded with DAMAMAX, one of the leading providers of communication services and broadband solutions, under which a 155 Mbps link for research and education will be provided from Talal Abu Ghazaleh University in Amman to ASREN’s POP that was recently established in London. This enables interconnection with the GÉANT network in Europe, Internet2 in the US as well as with other regional networks across the world.  

The agreement was signed by ASREN Chairman Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh, and Mr. Eyad Abuo Zeid, CEO of DAMAMAX. On this occasion, Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh confirmed the Organization’s interest in completing the establishment of the specialized technical Arab connection for research and education, providing R&E connectivity services  in Jordan and connecting it with partner organizations around the world in order to represent it as part of the international R&E networking community. This will allow Jordanian researchers and teachers to utilize technical resources, software applications, high- performance cloud and educational computing, and research data available on advanced international R&E networks that could only be accessed through a dedicated and specialized research and education network.

Dr. Abu Ghazaleh added that it is a must to consider this national duty to connect Jordanian research and education institutions with its peers around the world to provide sources, software applications, and research and educational data. HE also expressed his hope that Jordan will remain a hub for knowledge and a source of connection at the educational and technical level for neighboring countries.

On his part, Mr. Eyad Abou Zeid expressed his proudness of the partnership with ASREN which caters for the enhancement of the Arab e-Infrastructure technology and connecting it with similar networks from all over the world. Mr. Eyad also emphasized his praise for launching this national project which will certainly support the scientific research and technological development inside our dear Jordan, as well as the member countries.

He added “such accomplishment today will contribute to the participation of scientific research and education centers in Arab countries.” He also thanked Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh for giving DAMAMAX the opportunity to take part in this significant strategic project.

David West, manager of the EU-funded EUMEDCONNECT3 project which provides a dedicated Internet network for R&E communities across the southern and eastern Mediterranean commented: “We welcome this significant step which enables Jordan to be a key player in the R&E networking community, across the Arab world and in scientific collaborations with Europe and other regions across the world. We now look forward to additional connections to ASREN’s PoP in London”. 

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