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ASREN, RedCLARA, and GÉANT to present at COP26 on the role of Research and Education Networks

ASREN, RedCLARA, and GÉANT to present at COP26 on the role of Research and Education Networks

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023


"Research and Education Networks for Climate Action: Impacts of Academic Digital Infrastructure on Climate Policy" is the title of the panel that the regional networks of Arab States and North Africa, ASREN, Europe, GÉANT, and Latin America, RedCLARA, will hold on Saturday 6 November 2021 at 11:45 GMT, and which all are invited to attend via YouTube webcast. The activity will take place in hybrid mode and will include face-to-face participation at the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion in Glasgow, Scotland.
The panel will be composed of Luis Eliécer Cadenas, Executive Director of RedCLARA, Erik Huizer, Executive Director of GÉANT, Yousef Torman, Executive Director of ASREN, Lincoln Alves, Senior Researcher at INPE (Brazil), Dr. Marguerite Nyhan, Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering and Future Sustainability at the National University of Ireland - University College Cork, Prof. Islam Abou El-Magd, Deputy Director and researcher at the National Authority For Remote Sensing & Space Sciences (NARSS, Egypt), Mark Urban, CFO of RedCLARA (Uruguay) - all of them will participate remotely -, and Chris Atherton, Senior Research Engagement Officer at GÉANT, who will be at the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion.
This activity aims to expose the decisive role of Research and Education Networks in terms of digital infrastructure, as well as the articulation of climate research within the academic sector and with decision-makers in terms of climate policies, in order to bring academia closer to the levels of definition and implementation of these policies. It is expected to find new spaces for participation that allow for the coordination, orientation and synchronisation of scientific climate research and to optimise the use of the capacities of the academic sector in climate research for climate policies.
The leaders of the participating networks will seek to match the values developed and promoted by their networks with the goals pursued by climate action science and researchers, to develop a statement of intent for collaboration in support of these goals, and to find spaces for new opportunities for research and innovation projects to help reduce the carbon footprint.
EUROCLIMA+ is a flagship programme of the European Union on climate change, and will have a strong participation during COP26 through its Pavilion located within the blue zone. It is here that representatives of organisations, agencies and countries will meet for exchanges, experience sharing and multilateral meetings.
The European Union - through an alliance of commitment and cooperation of the EUROCLIMA+ programme with 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean - will facilitate the presentation of 36 events within its pavilion, including the panel that brings together RedCLARA, ASREN and GÉANT. Each of them will be streamed on #EUROCLIMAplus social media and on the channels of the different leading organisations of each event.

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