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ASREN Upgrades its PoP in London and moves to Slough Data Center

ASREN Upgrades its PoP in London and moves to Slough Data Center

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

With the support of the AfricaConenct2 Project, funded by the European Commission, ASREN has established a new Point of Presence in London at the data center premises of GEANT at Slough Data Center in London. ASREN recognizes the support of the GEANT technical team who worked hand in hand with ASREN team to operate and configure the new equipment smoothly and on time.  

The new PoP is now equipped with the-state-of-the-art Cisco routing equipment that allows processing of research traffic up to a speed of 40 Gbps. The PoP connects a 1 Gbps dedicated link from Amman - Jordan that interconnects SESAME to the European research and education institutions through GEANT network. The PoP also interconnects links from Tunis, Morocco, and Egypt through a tunneling solution at 1 Gbps speed.

It provides peering capabilities of incoming traffic not only to the European research and education network through GEANT but also to other regional networks including Internet2 in the US and WACREN and UbuntuNet Alliance in Africa. It should be noted that ASREN PoP in London has been established in 2014 as an exchange point between the pan-Arab regional research and education network with its counterpart in Europe, Africa, and the US. Through this exchange point, scientists, faculty and students though out the region, have seamless access not only to high-speed dedicated networks but also to computing facilities, data repositories, scientific applications, and educational resources of all types.

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