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Call for papers and presentations is now open for e-AGE21

Call for papers and presentations is now open for e-AGE21

Posted on: 18 Oct, 2021


Scientists, researchers and educators are invited to submit full papers reporting on their original and unpublished research in e-Infrastructures and computational and data-intensive sciences. All papers will be peer-reviewed for relevance, quality and originality of research. 
Posters are also welcomed. Featuring a poster at e-AGE will serve as an excellent advertisement for your work, and can act as a great conversation starter with e-AGE participants.
Renowned speakers and experts are also invited to submit abstracts on their research addressing an application or a problem of a significant scientific challenge. 
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
Open Access, Open Data and Open Science Clouds 
Open Access repositories for teaching and learning
Research via e-Infrastructures
National, regional and global Research and Education Networks
Scientific computing and data-intensive e-Science platforms
NREN services challenges, sustainability and business models
Contributions should be submitted online and arrive not later than 1st November 2021.
For more information and submission guidelines please visit: https://asrenorg.net/eage21/submission-guidelines 

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