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Chairman’s welcome

Chairman’s welcome

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

"ASREN is the pan-Arab research and education network contributing to boosting scientific research, innovation and education across the Arab world.
The practice of scientific research is changing dramatically. Long gone are the days in which researchers working in isolation contributed to technological innovation and social development. Only through multidisciplinary collaborations among research centres, industry and public entities knowledge, innovation, and exchange of know-how can be facilitated. e-Infrastructures play a major role in making such collaboration possible and enabling institutions to “boot up” and join the globalizing developed world.
ASREN has been founded in 2010 with an objective to establish an Arab Regional Network to interconnect existing Arab National R&E networks (NRENs) with each other and to their counterparts across the globe, and to act as a catalyst for e-Infrastructures in Arab countries where they are not yet available.
ASREN Website and the many services offered therein will help you connect to educational and research resources."
Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh

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