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Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

The e-AGE conference had established itself as an important venue for networking among experts and scientists. In 2019, e-AGE held at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, UAE during 11 - 12 December 2019 with a focus on demonstrated successes in using research and education e-Infrastructures and a need for interoperable high speed networks at national, regional and international levels. In short words, e-AGE19 is coming with “GROUNDBREAKING RESEARCH AND EDUCATION NETWORKS” as the main theme of the conference and all activities will be centered on it.
e-AGE19 will include events, workshops and meetings centered around the following themes:
  • e-AGE Annual Conference
  • The 12th Event on Euro-Mediterranean e-Infrastructure
  • The 9th annual shareholders meeting of ASREN
  • EUMEDCONNECT3 Project meeting
  • AfricaConnect2 Project meeting
  • Internet2 Middle East SIG Meetings
  • Workshops dedicated for e-Infrastructure users
Moreover, special sessions will be dedicated to specific domains, mainly focusing on experiences in connectivity and e-Infrastructure, applications and services across a variety of scientific domains. It is also important to show how research infrastructure creates tangible benefits to communities and collaborations. It is still critical to demonstrate how research connectivity can promote collaboration and innovation. Different discussions will be stimulated during e-AGE to drive outcomes and concrete results on practical steps towards developing a regional e-Infrastructure. 
To Learn More Visit eage19.asrenorg.net

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