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Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Information Network (ENSTINET)

ENSTINET is a public information services organization. ENSTINET provides IT and marketing services to raise information awareness and manpower development. Its objective is to assist Egyptian problem solvers and decision makers to access and apply quality data and relevant current information to development.
ENSTINET provides the Egyptian research community with a full 24/7 online and on site access to global information resources via the INTERNET. ENSTINET manage, operate, monitor and further develop the National Research and Education Network that connects 12 research centers, and 22 universities in cooperation with the Egyptian National Research and Education Network (EUN).
ENSTINET represents the only access point to international Global Research Networks, such as the GÉANT network in Europe. Such International Global research networks provides high-bandwidth links to over 12000 research center and university worldwide. The service is provided free of charge to all research centers connected through NREN and to Universities through inter-link with EUN.
ENSTINET manage and operate the largest S&T Private cloud and grid center in Egypt. The center is also developing a private S&T cloud center to serve the entire S&T community in Egypt and the region, the center hosts currently the Egyptian Knowledge Bank Portal and more national projects/services to follow.
ENSTINET is operated by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), which is the national umbrella for the planning of scientific research activities in Egypt. It includes the national committees of 20 International Scientific Unions and has 15 specialized Councils for various branches of scientific activities.
ASRT serve as Egypt’s national house of expertise, and national think tank in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation, concerned with STI strategic planning, preparing technological road maps and future studies, recognize excellence in science, benchmarking of research institutions, and help in raising scientific awareness. ASRT Provides consultations to the government and decision-makers on issues related to science and technology in Egypt and around the world. The main public supporter of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, IPR, Technological Incubators and Technology transfer.
For more information: www.sti.sci.eg


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