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Egypt's EUN is Now Connected to GLORIAD and EUMEDCONENCT3 Through ENSTINET

Egypt's EUN is Now Connected to GLORIAD and EUMEDCONENCT3 Through ENSTINET

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

After almost two years of intense planning for new advanced science communication services for Egypt-U.S. collaboration, the new high-speed GLORIAD network connecting scientists, educators and students across the US and Egypt was switched on.

Immediately, Egyptian universities, researchers and students gained access to a vastly increased speed of data transfer with thousands of universities and science facilities across the U.S., Europe, Asia and the rest of the world.

The new world class high-speed connection to the GLORIAD enables Egyptian researchers and students to participate in the most advanced research programs around the world – in high energy physics, astronomy, remote sensing, weather and climate science – and hundreds of others – by connecting universities, research facilities and schools throughout the U.S. with their peer institutions across Egypt.

Egypt now joins the efforts of the Global Lambda Integrated Facility (GLIF) via GLORIAD and begins to participate in several global scientific research projects, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator. Dr. Harvey Newman, Professor of Physics at Caltech and Chair of the US LHC Users Organization said: "The impressive US-Egypt GLORIAD network infrastructure opens a new era enabling scientific cooperation among scientists and engineers in Egypt and their colleagues throughout the world. This includes physicists working on experiments at the Large Hadron Collider exploring the nature of matter and space-time at the highest energies, notably the group at Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) in Cairo.

Egypt is connected to the GLORIAD through the Egyptian National Science and Technology Information Network (ENSTINET) which connects the research organization in Egypt forming the National Research Network of Egypt. The Egyptian Universities Network (EUN) which connects the Egyptian Universities forming a national education network is also connected to ENSTINET and uses the GLORIAD connection.

Further to this, ENSTINET is now connected to GEANT at 622-Mbps link to via Alexandria –Amsterdam. This also enables the EUN and ENSTINET users to make use and connect to the GEANT R&E communities including the EUMEDCONNECT3 Project.


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