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Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

Somali Research and Education Network (SomaliREN)

SomaliREN is the national research and education network for Somalia founded as a trust and owned by its member institutions ranging from research institutions and universities. As the NREN representing Somalia in the regional and international platforms, SomaliREN has gained recognition for its fast-growth and impact on the Somali higher education sector.
SomaliREN aims to drive digital transformation in the Somali education and research institutions to adapt to the changing dynamics of the education and research sector. In this respect, SomaliREN supports the digital transformation of our universities and operates network infrastructure that interconnects our member institutions among themselves and with their international counterparts through the regional networks operated by the UbuntuNet Alliance (regional research and education network for eastern and southern Africa) and ASREN (the Arab States Research and Education Network).
SomaliREN has received recognition awards for its success as a national research and education network from ASREN and the UbuntuNet Alliance representing the Arab world and Africa regions respectively. It is a beacon of hope that continuously strives to draw a good image of the recovery of Somalia and the Somali people. As a result of this recognition, SomaliREN has actively contributed to the formation of the NRENs of Mauritius and South Sudan in the last 4 months.
SomaliREN is a community-driven organization with a public attitude. It has been founded by its member institutions and is owned and governed by a board elected by the council of members comprising of the presidents of the member universities. It is the only national institution that transcends political boundaries and comprises of universities based in Borame, Hargeisa, Burao, Las Anod, Mogadishu, Kismayo, Bosaso and Garowe. We aim to connect and serve universities and research institutions all across the country. Currently, the membership stands at 21 institutions (including 20 universities and one research center) as follows:
  1. Amoud University, Borame
  2. Benadir University, Mogadishu
  3. City University, Mogadishu
  4. East Africa University, Bosaso
  5. Gollis University, Hargeisa
  6. Galkayo University, Galkayo
  7. Heritage Institute, Mogadishu
  8. Jamhuriya University of Science and Technology, Mogadishu
  9. Jazeera University, Mogadishu
  10. Kismayo University, Kismayo
  11. Mogadishu University, Mogadishu
  12. Nugaal University, Las Anod
  13. Puntland State University, Garowe
  14. SIMAD University, Mogadishu
  15. University of Burao, Burao
  16. University of Hargeisa, Hargeisa
  17. University of Somalia, Somalia
  18. Somalia National University
  19. Beder International University, Hargeisa
  20. Garowe Teacher Education College, Garowe
  21. Red Sea University, Bosaso
We work closely with the Ministry of Post, Telecommunications and Technology, and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education as well as regional organizations of which we have become stakeholders including the Arab States Research and Education Network, and UbuntuNet Alliance.
More info​rmation: www.somaliren.org

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