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Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

The Sudanese Research and Education Network (SudREN)

SudREN was established in 2004 as a project (Sudanese Universities Information Network, SUIN) at the MoHE with  30 members and 128 Kbps as a backbone, in that time they use frame relay technology to provide library services to the member institutions. In 2009, the scope is extended to cover all research and educational institutions in the Sudan and the new name “SudREN” was founded under the umbrella of Association of Sudanese Universities (ASU).

So far, 80+ members are connected and another 20 will join the campaign before the end of 2015. This growth in members require an expansion in the core network which now can provide 450 Mbps and use fibre over the local telecom operators MPLS network. The main Points of Presence (POPs) are hosted by the University of Khartoum and the Sudan University of Science and Technology, with a plan to make a POP in each state in the country. Moreover, and for the sake of stability, SudREN is implementing a link to the African Research and Education Network (UbuntuNet) to benefit from the AfricaConnect project.
Moreover and beyond the connectivity, providing variety of value added services including web-hosting, emails, VoIP, video-conferencing, HPC, library database, capacity building and technical support. Furthermore, SudREN encourage young initiatives such as IPv6TF and SDNOG. SudREN is very proud to be the first ISP in Sudan who provides the native IPv6 connectivity to their members. Regionally, SudREN is an active member of ASREN an (d UbuntuNet Alliance.
More information: www.sudren.edu.sd

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