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The CONNECT Interview: Steve Huter, NSRC

The CONNECT Interview: Steve Huter, NSRC

Posted on: 19 Nov, 2018

It is fair to say that Steve Huter is a man who doesn’t need any introduction. For over 25 years, he and his team at the Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) have fostered networking expertise around the world to create a sustainable community of internet-savvy engineers and local operators through training and engineering assistance that can enable more affordable internet access and better network performance for their respective communities.

In July, for his contributions to the global internet community, Steve – a 2014 Internet Hall of Fame inductee – was presented by the Internet Society with the prestigious Jonathan B. Postel Award.

CONNECT caught up with Steve to find out more about the driving force behind the NSRC and his passion to connect the unconnected.

Read the full interview in issue 30 of CONNECT: https://www.geant.org/News_and_Events/CONNECT/Issue_30/Documents/NSRC.pdf

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