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Workshop on Developing the National Research

Workshop on Developing the National Research

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

Overview and Objectives


Research and Education networking has become a trend worldwide. The purpose is to establish a leading edge and high-performance network infrastructure that connects universities and research institutes. The development of research and education networking is seen as critical to competitiveness in R&E, scientific and technological advancement, and to the economic development and welfare of people. 

The workshop on developing Bahraini National Research and Education Network (NREN) is meant to be the launching pad for R&E connectivity among Bahraini universities and research centers.  It will bring together representatives of universities, Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) and EUMED partners, leaders, and businesses to discuss and agree on developing R&E networks as means of knowledge sharing and integration to the region-wide e-infrastructure.  The workshop can lay the foundation for a national e-infrastructure for R&E. 

The workshop is planned to present the mechanisms and opportunities to develop Bahraini R&E network and its integration to Europe, USA and the rest of the world through ASREN/EUMEDCONNECT project. 

The overall objective is to discuss and recommend the most suitable model to be adapted by the Kingdom of Bahrain to establish the Bahraini National Research and Education Network. The key points to be presented and discussed are: 


  • Showcase the importance of the Research and Education Networks and their role in the developments of R&E communities
  • Provide an overview on NREN developments in some Arab Countries together with the international R&E connectivity in the Arab region including the EUMEDCONNECT project.
  • Present ASREN as the Arab World Organization responsible for developing the Pan Arab e-Infrastructures.
  • Show the achievements regional cooperation in the areas of e-Infrastructures and connecting R&E communities in a sustainable environment
  • Bring a consensus among scientists and researchers on the importance of e-Infrastructure and to showcase examples of collaborative and joint research projects.
  • Strengthen the involvement of the private sector collaboration in developing the research and education.
  • Demonstrate success stories and then discuss obstacles, concerns, requirements and best practices in the region on establishing National R&E Networks
  • Launch the development of Bahraini national research and education network and agree on implementation plans.


Targeted Group


  • University presidents, research deans, and network directors
  • R&E related corporate executives 
  • High level decision makers from the governments
  • Senior staff from National, International, Regional, European, and American Agencies
  • Officials from National research foundations 
  • Telecom and technology service providers Workshop 


Language: English  


Venue: Ritz Carlton Hotel - Bahrain


Date: postponed, will announce the new dates soon


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