• info@asren.net
  • +962 6 437 0369

Network & Connectivity

Network & Connectivity

The connectivity services delivered by the ASREN Network support the member NRENs in delivering world-class network facilities to the research and education community. 

To provide continuous access to the global network infrastructure to its member NRENs and their end-users, ASREN maintain and manage the network links in collaboration with GÉANT and suppliers via a Network Operations Center (NOC), where a team of engineers monitor the network elements, act to resolve any issues that occur, and take preventive measures to ensure optimal performance levels. For more details, please contact ASREN Network Operations Center at noc@asren.net.

Real-time, multi-domain performance monitoring​. perfSONAR is an open-source, modular and flexible architecture for active network performance monitoring that provides a view of network performance across multiple domains, allowing NOC and PERT engineers to seamlessly analyse and diagnose network behaviours across the entire end-to-end path. The tools provided in the perfSONAR suite perform active measurements of throughput, packet loss, delays and jitter, and record network route and path changes.
More info here.

Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is a global initiative, supported by the Internet Society, that provides crucial fixes to reduce the most common routing threats.
Visit the link here for more info on the project.