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Abu-Ghazaleh Recognized The Donation of ISOC and Cisco Systems for ASREN PoP in London

Abu-Ghazaleh Recognized The Donation of ISOC and Cisco Systems for ASREN PoP in London

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023


January 6th, 2014

His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of ASREN recognizes the donation of the Internet Society and Cisco systems for the donation of a high throughput router for research traffic to support interconnection to research and education networks at the global level. 

The Internet Society has generously donated an advanced networking equipment to assist in the development of the pan-Arab research and education network.  Through a kind grant from Cisco Systems, the Internet Society provided the equipment to help out the national research and education networks (NRENs). “Part of our decision was based on useful discussions with your team, with ASREN’s team, with DANTE staff, and with Cisco staff” Said Jane Coffin, Director of Development Strategy at the Internet Society. “We hope that this donation will continue to assist ASREN to develop its network infrastructure”, Jane added.

“The donated equipment will be housed at London Telecity in order to establish points of presence for ASREN for interconnection with DANTE and other networks”, said HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh. We appreciate the support of Internet Society to help in ASREN development of its core REN infrastructure to extend the benefit of e-Infrastructure everywhere in the Arab region.

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