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Project Detail

Co-Funded by the European Commission in the framework of FP6, the EUMEDGRID project started on January 2006, with the aim of supporting the development of a Grid e-Infrastructure in the Mediterranean Area and promoting the porting of new applications on the Grid platform, thus allowing Mediterranean scientist to collaborate more closely with their European colleagues.

EUMEDGRID disseminated Grid awareness and competences across the Mediterranean and triggered the creation of National Grid Initiatives in the participant countries. During the project lifetime, more than 700 IT professionals, researchers and students were inducted to the use of Grid computing and had the opportunity to benefit of advanced training enabling them to exploit infrastructure.

The Project officially ended on 29 February 2008, and got successfully through its final review on 6 May 2008, after 26 months of activity and a number of goals achieved through creating a widespread network of collaboration and making a considerable step forward in promoting the uptake and long-term sustainability of Grid technology in the Region.

At the end of the project, the pilot grid infrastructure included 25 sites distributed across 13 countries, with all relevant grid services up and running. Although the project officially ended on 29 February 2008, this infrastructure is currently being maintained on a best-effort basis by the project consortium, who plan further activities in the field.

Project Photos

Project Video