Brokerage Event Towards a FAIR Compliant Commons in the ASREN Region
Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Africa are organised under three umbrella Regional Research and Education Networks (RRENs), namely ASREN in the northern part of the continent as well as in the Middle-East and the Persian Gulf Region, WACREN in the western part of sub-Saharan Africa and the UbuntuNet Alliance in the eastern part of sub-Saharan Africa.
All African RRENs are very much committed not only to increase and capillarize connectivity among countries across the continent but also, and more importantly in the long term, to create a portfolio of services that could help and improve the collaboration between African researchers and their colleagues in the rest of the world, bridging the gaps in openness of research [1] and visibility of research outputs [2]. In this respect, the support of the European Union, through large projects like AfricaConnect3, and initiatives like LIBSENSE, in the area of digital repositories and Open Science more at large, play key roles.
This event, which is part of the programme of the 16th International Conference on Open Repositories (OR2021), frames itself in this landscape of actions and aims at promoting FAIR principles compliant commons such as digital repositories and persistent identifiers for both researchers and their research outputs. However, what makes this event different from similar ones is its innovative co-creation methodology. We aim at bringing in the same virtual place solution seekers, solution providers, policy makers and end users to trigger new collaborations and we propose a “try before you buy” approach.
The length of the event is 3 hours divided in three parts: a 80 minutes Workshop session, a 30 minutes Brokerage session, and a 70 minutes Hands-on tutorial.
Important information for the Hands-on tutorial
During the Hands-on tutorial participants will be guided through the following steps:
- Access and use a FAIR compliant digital repository.
- Claim research outputs/scholarly contents stored on a FAIR compliant digital repository and tagged with DataCite DOIs from the ORCID profiles of their authors.
- Connect research outputs to other research outputs (if time allows).
In step 1, we will be using the Somali Research and Education Research and Education Repository (SORER) operated by SomaliREN. In order to access the repository to upload their research outputs, participants are required to get federated credentials beforehand by registering. Registration requires human intervention by the Administrators of the IDPOPEN Identity Provider and usually takes 1-2 working days. Since the day of the event is a Monday, please register to IDPOPEN at your earliest convenience and no later than 3-4 days before the event.
Important note: each research output stored on the SORER repository is tagged with an official Digital Object Identifier (DOI) issued by DataCite hence participants are required to upload real (not fake) contents during the tutorial in the community called External Contents. A guide to upload contents on SORER is available here. Participants may want to have a look at it before the event.
In step 2, participants need to already have an ORCID profile. Those who haven't yet, may get one by registering. Please, get your ORCID profile done at least one day before the event.
Agenda [Session Recording]
Workshop session
Convener: Yousef Torman (ASREN - Jordan)
Introductory presentation about ASREN and the motivations and goals of the event
Yousef Torman (ASREN - Jordan)
Raed Al Zoubi (ASREN - Jordan)
Roberto Barbera (University of Catania - Italy)
Behailu Korma (Higher Education Strategy Center - Ethiopia)
Mohamed A. Ahmed (SomaliREN - Somalia)
Helena Cousijn (DataCite - Germany)
Margareth Gfrerer (Higher Education Strategy Center - Ethiopia)
Brokerage session
The Workshop session followed by a brokerage session where we have allocated pitches given by representatives of
organisations not having a FAIR compliant digital repository yet and planning to deploy one.
The Brokerage session will end with the collection of all contacts and hopefully the establishment of new collaborations.
Convener: Raed Al Zoubi (ASREN - Jordan)
Noureddine Ettaik (IMIST - Morocco)
Daryl M. Grenz (KAUST - Saudi Arabia)
Alwaleed K. Alkhaja (Qatar National Library)
Q&A and exchange of contacts
Hands-on tutorial
The tutorial will guide participants through the following steps:
- Access and use a FAIR compliant digital repository.
- Claim research outputs/scholarly contents stored on a FAIR compliant digital repository and tagged with DataCite DOIs
from the ORCID profiles of their authors.
- Connect research data to other research outputs (if time allows).
Convener: Roberto Barbera (University of Catania - Italy)
In order to access the repository to upload their research outputs, participants are required to get federated
credentials beforehand by registering at https://idpopen.garr.it/register. Registration requires human
intervention by the Administrators of the IDPOPEN Identity Provider and usually takes 1-2 working days.
Since the day of the event is a Monday, please register to IDPOPEN at your earliest
convenience and no later than 3-4 days before the event.
Roberto Barbera (University of Catania - Italy)
In this part of the hands-on, we will be using the Somali Research and Education Research and Education
Repository (SORER, https://sorer.somaliren.org.so/) operated by SomaliREN. Important note: each
research output stored on the SORER repository is tagged with an official Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
issued by DataCite https://datacite.org/() hence participants are required to upload real (not fake) contents
during the tutorial in the community called External Contents. A guide to upload contents on SORER is
available at https://doi.org/10.20374/sorer/27. Participants may want to have a look at it before the event.
Roberto Barbera (University of Catania - Italy)
In this part of the tutorial, participants need to use their ORCID profile. Those who haven't yet, may get one by
registering at https://orcid.org/register. Please, get your ORCID profile done at least one day before the event.
Helena Cousijn (DataCite - Germany) , Mohamed A. Ahmed (SomaliREN - Somalia)
(If time allows).
Roberto Barbera (University of Catania - Italy)
[1] World map of Open Access policies, http://roarmap.eprints.org/dataviz2.html
[2] World scaled by number of documents published in Web of Science in 2017 with authors from each country, http://scholcommlab.ca/cartogram/
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