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Arab Science Cooperation Summit

Thursday, 22 September 2022

 06:00 – 12:00 EDT (GMT-4)


The Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) officially convened the Arab Science Cooperation Summit virtually on Thursday, September 22, 2022, from 06:00 to 12:00 EDT (GMT-4) during the Global Science Summit at the 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA77). This summit was conducted in cooperation with Intelligence in Science (ISC), the official convener of the Science Summit at UNGA77.
The main objective of the high-level summit was to promote and inaugurate an Arab Science Dialogue with the rest of the world. Discussions revolved around science as a means for development in the Arab region and how cooperation in science at national, regional, and global levels would support efforts towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs).
The summit presented efforts in conducting science from policies to actions, including research, education, innovation, and related cooperative projects and activities, with a focus on Science, Open Science, Open Access, and supporting science, research, and education communities.
The summit was attended by high-level representations from the Arab countries, including ministers of higher education and scientific research, ambassadors and permanent representatives to the United Nations, the League of Arab States, the European Commission, the World Bank, the Association of Arab Universities, the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils, UNESCO, UN-ESCWA, and other regional and international organizations. Additionally, policy makers, researchers, and academics representing universities, research centers, and supporting organizations in the Arab region and the rest of the world attended to present current science cooperation and discuss future cooperation at both policy and technical levels.


 10:00 - 11:45

 Session I

 Setting the Scene:
  • Yousef Torman, “ASREN and Science Cooperation”, Managing Director, ASREN, Jordan
  • Declan Kirrane, “United Nations Future Summit 2023”, Managing Director, Intelligence in Science, Belgium
 High Level Messages:
  • H.E. Dr.  Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman, ASREN, Jordan
  • H.E. Prof. Amr Ezzat Salama, Secretary General, Association of Arab Universities, Jordan
  • H.E. Prof. Mahmoud Abu Mouis, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Palestine
  • H.E. Prof. Farah Sheikh Abdikadir, Minister for Education, Culture and Higher Education, Somalia
  • H.E. Dr. Saif bin Abdullah Al Haddabi, Undersecretary for Research and Innovation, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Oman
  • H.E. Prof. Mahmoud Sakr, President, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
  • H.E. Prof. Abdelmajid Benamara, Secretariat General, Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils (FASRC), Sudan
  • H.E. Dr. Abdulaziz Almuzaini, UNESCO CAIRO Office Director and UNESCO Representative to Egypt, UNESCO, Egypt
  • Fadila Boughanemi, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission, Belgium
     11:45 - 12:00


     12:00 - 14:00

     Session II

    • Prof. Saoussen Krichen, Director General, Computing Center El Khawarizmi - CCK, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Tunisia
    • Prof. Shaher Zyoud, Director General for Development & Scientific Research, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Palestine
    • Prof. Fethi Zagrouba, General Director, Tunis Science City, Tunisia
    • Prof. Islam Abou El-Magd, Vice - President, the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Egypt
    • Dr. Nazar M. Hassan, UNESCO Senior STI Regional Advisor for the Arab States, UNESCO, Egypt
    • Dr. Shaikha Al-Sanad, Program Manager, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait
    • Prof. Jauad El Kharraz, Executive Director, Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), Egypt
    • Dr. Abdullahi Bihi Hussein, CEO, SomaliREN, Somalia
    • Dr. Abdullah Al Abri, Consultant, International Energy Agency (IEA), Oman
    • Nabil Ksibi, Engagement Lead, ORCID, South Africa
    • Raed Al-Zoubi, Director of the Centennial Library, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
    • Prof. Andrea Lausi, Scientific Director, Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME), Jordan
    • Dr. Juan Miguel González Aranda, Chief Technology Officer, LifeWatch ERIC, Spain
    • Chris Atherton, Senior Research Engagement Officer, GÉANT, Netherlands
    • Erik Ruuth, Scientific Coordinator, IMiBio, Misiones, Argentina
       14:00 - 14:30

       Session III

      • Discussion
      • Conclusions
      • Planning for United Nations Future Summit


        ASREN and the Arab National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) have an essential and increasingly important role in supporting Open Science in the region. Within the context of implementing the works and activities of the European Union co-funded AfricaConnect3 project, ASREN has adopted strategies of open science, open data and open access in cooperation with its member NRENs and national authorities of relevance in addition to regional organization. The main objective is to facilitate comprehensive access to scientific resources and repositories in order to enhance productivity in science and innovation in research.

        For more information on program and speakers visit the following Link.